Kuṇḍalinī in the Tantric context

Trident3We are pleased to present this insightful and expansive talk on Kuṇḍalinī by Dr. Mark Dyczkowski. The two lectures were recorded at his home in Narad Ghat, Varanasi on November 1st and 17th 2011. 

prakriyā, kulaprakriyā, Tantric paradigm / definition of Tantra, worship, maṇḍala, mantra, ritual purity, kula, yoginī, śrītattvacintāmaṇi, satcakranirūpaṇa, arousing, maṇipūra, sahasrāra, dvādaśānta, citśakti, vācśakti, pranaśkti, visarga, supreme speech, vimarśa, mantrabīja, niṣkriya

Mark first outlines the Tantric paradigm which is the historical as well as philosophical foundation for the development of Kuṇḍalinī metaphysics and practice in all its variants. Reading and commenting from the second introductory volume of his 14-books masterpiece on the Manthānabhairavatantram and the Goddess Kubjikā, the basic principles of Tantrism and its two modalities (Tantraprakriyā, Kulaprakriyā) are explained, always with a special reference to Kuṇḍalinī.

Throughout the talk, the connection to the basic non-dual world view underlying most of the so-called Kaula or Śakta traditions is kept up, this especially with respect to the concepts of supreme speech (para vāc) and reflective awareness (vimarśa).

We hope that you enjoy and can profit from this little gift that we are offering you for your ongoing sādhana.



Kundalini in the Tantric context

Lecture #11:54
Lecture #21:38