Welcome to the Tantrāloka Home Study Program course on Tantrāloka Chapter Ten.
This course covers the verses of tenth chapter of Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka .
For the background on this text and its relationship to the larger topic of Kashmir Shaivism, please see the Program Overview on this site. You may also like to listen to the free course on Locating Trika, which provides historical overview.
Overview of Chapter Ten:
The Division of the Principles (tattvabhedanam)
The Seven Perceivers as Possessors of Power and their Innate Nature 3-7ab
The Three as the Trika Goddesses and Poles of Perception 7cd-9ab
Fourteen Divisions Pertaining to Earth 9cd-12ab
The Ascent throught the Seven Perceivers and the Elimination of Ignorance 12cd-18
Arguments to Establish that the Perceptibility common to several perceivers of an Entity is an Intrinsic Quality of its Nature (vastudharma) Apparent to them as a Manifestation of Consciousness 19-78ab
Progressive Differentiation of Bhairava’s Aspects does not Limit Him 78cd-81
Whatever be the Form something Manifests that is its Nature 82
An Object Manifests Differently when Viewed by Several Perceivers Together 83-84
A Show delights an Audience of Many Perceivers 85-88
Each particular Perceptibility (vedyatva) Performs its own Function 89-91ab
Definition of Own Nature (svarūpa) 91cd-93ab
Perceptibility, Manifest and Unmanifest 93cd-97ab
The Procedure Regarding the Principles (tattvavidhi) relating to the Seven Perceivers
Fully Conditioned (sakala) Subjects 97cd-102
The Fifteen aspects related to the Fully Conditioned Subject 103-104
The Thirteen Aspects related to the Deconditioned by Dissolution Subject 105-107
The Eleven Aspects related to the Dissolution Deconditioned (pralayākala) Subject 108-109
The Remaining Subjects up to Śiva 110-113ab
Self-Luminous Śiva 113cd-117ab
The Supreme Lord makes Śiva into an object of Instruction 117cd-120ab
Śiva is not Objective and is Undivided 120cd-123ab
Divisions of the Other Subjects from Thirteen Onwards 123cd-133ab
The Awakening of the Dissolution and Consciousness Deconditioned Perceivers 133cd-140ab
Perceptibility of Objectivity is a potential that Actualizes upon Waking for those fit to Perceive 140cd-146ab
Subjective Response to an Object varies 146cd-149
Primary and Secondary Varieties of Perceivers and the Perceptibility of their Object 150-166
The Perceivers and their Aspects in relation to the Principles from Earth onwards 167-172
The Nature and Types of Deep Sleep 173-177
The Seven Perceivers and their Powers 178-181
Own Nature and Conclusion 182-184
Undivided Śiva’s Five Aspects 185-186ab
The Projection of the Fifteen Divisions into the Vital Breath as Phases of Perception 186cd-205
Penetration into Śiva and Attainment of the Goddess of Intuition in the First Two of the Sixteen Phases of Perception 206-209
The Arising of the Other Perceivers in the Subsequent Moments 210-211
Accomplishments by Attending to the Moments and Closing the Gap between Subject and Object 212-218ab
Interiority and Externality as the Expansion and Contraction of Consciousness 218cd-219ab
Śiva only Apparently Distant 219cd-220ab
Consciousness is Everywhere Full, Emergent and devoid of Succession 220cd-224ab
Mantreśas and the Others are Instruments of Consciousness 224cd-225ab
The Lord of Khecarīcakra 225cd-227ab
A Description of the Waking and Other States (jagradādinirūpaṇa) from a Kaula point of View 227cd-288
The Waking State 231-246
The Dream State 247-248ab
Waking in the Dream State 248cd-250ab
Dreaming within Dreaming 250cd-257ab
Deep Sleep 257cd-264ab
The Fourth State 264cd-277
Beyond the Fourth 278-287
The Waking and Other States of the Seven Perceivers 288-294ab
The Waking and other States from Another Point of View 294cd-301ab
The Five States in relation to the Fifteen Divisions and the Seven Perceivers 301cd-309
Information on content and pricing:
Content | Price | Buy | |
Tantrāloka Chapter X | 22 lessons, approx. 30 hours in length | 80$ | ![]() |
Course materials:
- PDF verses of Chapter 10, translated by Dr. Mark Dyczkowski, printed in the original Sanskrit (both Devanagari script and transliterated to English), and English translation.
- Streaming videos of Dr. Dyczkowski teachings — not downloadable.
- Audio links — downloadable.
- Email support: If you have questions of a more personal or individualized nature, concerns about the course, or complex intellectual questions that go beyond the scope of the Facebook group, please email anuttaratrikakula3@gmail.com, and we will respond to your question confidentially and appropriately. For more advanced intellectual or content-related matters, we will forward your question to Dr. Dyckzowski to respond to you directly.