May our lives be offerings. May our minds blaze with insight. May we be one with all that exists. May we work for the benefit of all sentient beings, steeped in the insight that each one of us is Lord Śiva.
Dear all,
Until Spring Equinox, three times a week, Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, 8 pm Indian time let’s pray together in the spirit of the Trika School for Markji.
You are welcome to join by accessing the permanent link:
Meeting ID: 813 5520 3003, Passcode: 895958
Put yourself under the transmission, and consecrate Markji’s soul to the trinity:
The ruling deity of the Trika School (Parā):
The lineage of Masters:
The Path (The entire teaching):
May his soul be protected, guided, lighted by the grace of the Goddess Parā, so that he rise as high as possible on the Path, along the lineage of Masters.
It is the most appropriate way in which we can express our gratitude for all the extraordinary gifts we have received from him, for the way he has guided and supported us on this Path.
oṃ sauḥ parāyai namaḥ
Welcome to Anuttara Trika Kula, the website of Dr. Mark Dyczkowski, one of the world’s foremost scholars on Tantra and Kashmiri Shaivism. He has lived and studied Kashmiri Shaivism for over forty years at the feet of Swami Laksmanjoo and distinguished scholars in India and the West. On this site, you will find Mark’s lectures on Kashmir Shaivism which includes teachings on Abhinavagupta’s Tantrasāra, Tantrāloka and more.
There are a variety of articles, video and free courses for introductory levels. There are also free videos, articles, blogs and lectures which will be continued. Our goal is to preserve the teachings and make them widely accessible. With this view in mind, we put up many free lectures. This is our humble offering to aspirants worldwide through traditional and digital approaches.